1) What class is used to display
the AVL Grid.
cl_gui_alv_grid 2) Define Polymorphism. It's one of the main strengths of
3) What is the only component that is implemented in the implementation part of a class. Method. 4) What is contained in a class that does not exist in an interface. Implementation. 5) Where would the components of a class be define. Definition part of a class. 6) Global class cl_course has been defined using the class builder. The development class is ZCL. What is the key entry in the repository table TADIR. R3TR CLASS cl_course. 7) Your program has register several handler methods. How does the program know what methods are available for executing when an event is triggered? The system looks for registered handler methods In the event handler internal table and processes those that are registered for the event 8) Static method and instance method. Instance methods MUST be addressed
by object ref after instantiation
9) Characteristics of the self-reference ME. Self-references allow an object
to give other objects a reference to it.
10) Primary difference between function and object. Calling a function loads the entire
function group implicitly into memory whereas instances of an object are
generated explicitly when an object is created.
11) What can be said about the lifetime of an object? An object exists for as long as
it is being used in the program.
12) Global class Class Builder can be used to test
global classes.
13) What implications exist when private components of a class are changed? Programs are insulated from change 14) Mark the invalid attribute definitions. class lcl_course definition. 10 public section.
endclass. 15) When method of Class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID would be used to display the contents of an internal table? SET_TABLE_FOR_FIRST_DISPLAY 16) What statement will request memory to be allocated to an object? Create Object 17) How can the values of an attribute be set in an object? When the object is created and values
are implicitly exported to the Constructor Method
18) Items that are not part of the Event character. Events also allow RETURNING parameters.
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