ABAP syntax - submit BDC - help I am using the SAP program RSBDCBTC to submit a BDC session from within my program that is running in the foreground. So I am submitting the program with following syntax: SUBMIT rsbdcbtc WITH queue-id = qid AND RETURN. This SUBMIT works fine. That is, the BDC session is executed BUT the problem I have is that the program control DOES NOT return back to my calling program after the session is submitted/executed. I get the pop-up window "processing of batch input session completed" and when I click on either of the buttons "Session Overview" or "Exit batch input", the program ends. I need to get back to my calling program. Granted if I ran this program in the background, this informational pop-up screen would be ignored but I need to run my program in the foreground ... Anyways so I thought I would modify/write my own version of RSBDCBTC but I came across a CALL that I am unfamiliar with. That is, the syntax makes no sense to me. In RSBDCBTC there is the following call: CALL 'BDC_START_GROUP' ID 'GROUP' FIELD WA_MTAB-GROUPID ID 'QUID' FIELD WA_MTAB-QID ID 'DISPLAY' FIELD MODUS ID 'LOG' FIELD LOGALL. "all message But I can’t find the code behind 'BDC_START_GROUP' ! What is it ??? It's not a function or a form or a report ... what is it ?? Where can I find the code behind BDC_START_GROUP ? As a side note, if someone can tell me how to get back to my calling program after I submit RSBDCBTC, that would be good to. --- CALL 'BDC_START_GROUP' is a C-routine and you cannot find the code behind it as it is C-code. I have already used this and when you are giving the option Return, it should return to the calling program. --- Submit with RSBDCSUB like follows, submit rsbdcsub using selection-set selection_set and return. You should have to create a variant on RSBDCSUB with the session name. --- You can use this piece of code: DATA SUBREPORT(12) TYPE C VALUE 'RSBDCBTC_SUB'. " Submit Batch move groupid to jname. CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_OPEN'
IF SY-SUBRC EQ 0. "Job_close is OK IF JOBRELE EQ X. "job is release/ ENDIF. ENDIF.
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