BAPI and JAVA Program to Interface
Two System
I am working with a client, who wish to use both SAP and P3e. The data from SAP will be send back to P3e. With respect to this I am working on field mapping betweem the 2 systems. Develope Z Bapi using the standard BAPI and use jave program
to interface these two system. We are also working on the same and
for your help, please find attached the ZBAPI developed.
*-- Waris
FUNCTION zbapi_project_maintain. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" VALUE(WBS_ELEMENT) LIKE BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT-WBS_ELEMENT *" VALUE(WBS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION) LIKE *" BAPI_PROJECT_DEFINITION-DESCRIPTION *" VALUE(WBS_ELEMENT1) LIKE BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT-WBS_ELEMENT *" VALUE(PROJECT_DEFINITION) LIKE *" BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT-PROJECT_DEFINITION *" VALUE(DESCRIPTION) LIKE BAPI_PROJECT_DEFINITION-DESCRIPTION *" VALUE(NETWORK) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK-NETWORK *" VALUE(NETWORK1) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK-NETWORK *" VALUE(NETWORK_TYPE) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK-NETWORK_TYPE *" VALUE(PROFILE) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK-PROFILE *" VALUE(ACTIVITY) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK_ACTIVITY-ACTIVITY *" VALUE(CONTROL_KEY) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK_ACTIVITY-CONTROL_KEY *" VALUE(ACT_DESC) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK_ACTIVITY-DESCRIPTION *" VALUE(NETWORK_PREDECESSOR) LIKE *" BAPI_NETWORK_RELATION-NETWORK_PREDECESSOR *" VALUE(ACTIVITY_PREDECESSOR) LIKE *" BAPI_NETWORK_RELATION-ACTIVITY_PREDECESSOR *" VALUE(NETWORK_SUCCESSOR) LIKE *" BAPI_NETWORK_RELATION-NETWORK_SUCCESSOR *" VALUE(ACTIVITY_SUCCESSOR) LIKE *" BAPI_NETWORK_RELATION-ACTIVITY_SUCCESSOR *" VALUE(RELATION_TYPE) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK_RELATION-RELATION_TYPE *" VALUE(ELEMENT) LIKE BAPI_ACT_ELEMENT-ELEMENT *" VALUE(UP) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-UP *" VALUE(DOWN) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-DOWN *" VALUE(LEFT) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-LEFT *" VALUE(RIGHT) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-RIGHT *" VALUE(UP1) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-UP *" VALUE(DOWN1) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-DOWN *" VALUE(LEFT1) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-LEFT *" VALUE(RIGHT1) LIKE BAPI_WBS_HIERARCHIE-RIGHT *" VALUE(VPLANT) LIKE BAPI_NETWORK-PLANT *" VALUE(VPROJ_TYPE) LIKE BAPI_WBS_ELEMENT-PROJ_TYPE *" TABLES *" WBS_CREATE_ERROR STRUCTURE BAPI_METH_MESSAGE OPTIONAL *" NETWORK_CREATE_ERROR STRUCTURE BAPI_METH_MESSAGE OPTIONAL *" WBS_HIERARCHY_ERROR STRUCTURE BAPI_METH_MESSAGE OPTIONAL *" ACTIVITY_CREATE_ERROR STRUCTURE BAPI_METH_MESSAGE OPTIONAL *" ACTIVITY_RELATION_ERROR STRUCTURE BAPI_METH_MESSAGE OPTIONAL *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA : BEGIN OF itproj OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_project_definition. DATA :END OF itproj. DATA : BEGIN OF itprojupd OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_project_definition_up. DATA :END OF itprojupd. DATA : BEGIN OF itwbsmethod OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_method_project. DATA :END OF itwbsmethod. DATA : BEGIN OF itwbs OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_wbs_element. DATA :END OF itwbs. DATA : BEGIN OF itnetmethod OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_method_project. DATA :END OF itnetmethod. DATA : BEGIN OF itnetwork OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_network. DATA :END OF itnetwork. DATA : BEGIN OF itwbshierarchy OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_wbs_hierarchie. DATA :END OF itwbshierarchy. DATA : BEGIN OF iterr OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_meth_message . DATA :END OF iterr. DATA : iterr1 LIKE bapi_meth_message OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA : itemsg LIKE bapi_meth_message OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA : itemsg1 LIKE bapi_meth_message OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA : itemsg2 LIKE bapi_meth_message OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA : BEGIN OF itactivity OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_network_activity. DATA :END OF itactivity. DATA : BEGIN OF itactmethod OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_network_activity_up. DATA :END OF itactmethod. DATA :BEGIN OF itrelation OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bapi_network_relation. DATA :END OF itrelation. DATA : v_str(100) TYPE c. DATA : v_str1(34) TYPE c. IF NOT wbs_element IS INITIAL AND NOT project_definition IS INITIAL. * AND NOT description IS INITIAL. MOVE wbs_element TO itwbs-wbs_element. MOVE project_definition TO itwbs-project_definition. * MOVE vproj_type TO itwbs-proj_type. MOVE WBS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION TO itwbs-description. IF NOT wbs_element1 IS INITIAL. MOVE vproj_type TO itwbs-proj_type. ELSE. MOVE ' ' TO itwbs-proj_type. ENDIF. APPEND itwbs. MOVE project_definition TO itproj-project_definition. MOVE description to itproj-description. APPEND itproj. MOVE '000010' TO itwbsmethod-refnumber. MOVE 'WBS-ELEMENT' TO itwbsmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'CREATE' TO itwbsmethod-method. MOVE wbs_element TO itwbsmethod-objectkey. APPEND itwbsmethod. MOVE '000000' TO itwbsmethod-refnumber. MOVE ' ' TO itwbsmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'SAVE' TO itwbsmethod-method. MOVE ' ' TO itwbsmethod-objectkey. APPEND itwbsmethod. ************ create WBS Elements****************** REFRESH iterr. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN' EXPORTING i_project_definition = itproj i_project_definition_upd = itprojupd * IMPORTING * RETURN = TABLES i_method_project = itwbsmethod * I_WBS_ELEMENT_TABLE_UPDATE = i_wbs_element_table = itwbs * I_WBS_MILESTONE_TABLE = * I_WBS_MILESTONE_TABLE_UPDATE = * I_WBS_HIERARCHIE_TABLE = itwbshierarchy * i_network = itnetwork * I_NETWORK_UPDATE = * i_activity = itactivity * i_activity_update = itactmethod * I_RELATION = * I_RELATION_UPDATE = e_message_table = iterr. * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT = * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE_UPDATE = IF sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. LOOP AT iterr. MOVE : iterr-method to wbs_create_error-method, iterr-object_type to wbs_create_error-OBJECT_TYPE, iterr-internal_object_id to wbs_create_error-INTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, iterr-external_object_id to wbs_create_error-EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, iterr-message_id to wbs_create_error-MESSAGE_ID, iterr-message_number to wbs_create_error-MESSAGE_NUMBER, iterr-message_type to wbs_create_error-MESSAGE_TYPE, iterr-message_text to wbs_create_error-MESSAGE_TEXT. append wbs_create_error. clear iterr. endloop. COMMIT WORK . WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. ENDIF. " if not wbs_element initial ************ create network *********** if not network is initial. MOVE '000001' TO itnetmethod-refnumber. MOVE 'NETWORK' TO itnetmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'CREATE' TO itnetmethod-method. MOVE network TO itnetmethod-objectkey. APPEND itnetmethod. MOVE '000000' TO itnetmethod-refnumber. MOVE ' ' TO itnetmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'SAVE' TO itnetmethod-method. MOVE ' ' TO itnetmethod-objectkey. APPEND itnetmethod. MOVE network TO itnetwork-network. MOVE network_type TO itnetwork-network_type. MOVE vplant TO itnetwork-plant. MOVE 'NEW NETWORK' TO itnetwork-short_text. MOVE wbs_element TO itnetwork-wbs_element. MOVE '001' TO itnetwork-mrp_controller. MOVE project_definition TO itnetwork-project_definition. MOVE profile TO itnetwork-profile. APPEND itnetwork. REFRESH itemsg. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN' * IMPORTING * RETURN = TABLES i_method_project = itnetmethod i_network = itnetwork * I_NETWORK_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY = * I_ACTIVITY_UPDATE = * I_RELATION = * I_RELATION_UPDATE = e_message_table = itemsg. * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT = * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE_UPDATE = IF sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. LOOP AT itemsg. MOVE : itemsg-method to network_create_error-method, itemsg-object_type to network_create_error-OBJECT_TYPE, itemsg-internal_object_id to network_create_error-INTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, itemsg-external_object_id to network_create_error-EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, itemsg-message_id to network_create_error-MESSAGE_ID, itemsg-message_number to network_create_error-MESSAGE_NUMBER, itemsg-message_type to network_create_error-MESSAGE_TYPE, itemsg-message_text to network_create_error-MESSAGE_TEXT. append network_create_error. clear itemsg. endloop. COMMIT WORK . WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. endif. "if not network is initial. ********* this method will decide hierarchy of WBS ******* IF NOT wbs_element1 IS INITIAL. "AND NOT wbs_element_parent IS INITIAL. CLEAR:itwbsmethod,itwbshierarchy,itwbs,iterr1. REFRESH:itwbsmethod,itwbshierarchy,itwbs,iterr1. *********MAINTAIN HIERARCHY************************************* ******* New WBS along with position w.r.t parent******** * MOVE wbs_element_parent TO itwbshierarchy-wbs_element. MOVE wbs_element TO itwbshierarchy-wbs_element. MOVE project_definition TO itwbshierarchy-project_definition. MOVE up TO itwbshierarchy-up. MOVE down TO itwbshierarchy-down. MOVE left TO itwbshierarchy-left. MOVE right TO itwbshierarchy-right. APPEND itwbshierarchy. CLEAR itwbshierarchy. ********Pass WBS elements parent with position w.r.t child*** MOVE wbs_element1 TO itwbshierarchy-wbs_element. MOVE project_definition TO itwbshierarchy-project_definition. MOVE up1 TO itwbshierarchy-up. MOVE down1 TO itwbshierarchy-down. MOVE left1 TO itwbshierarchy-left. MOVE right1 TO itwbshierarchy-right. APPEND itwbshierarchy. CLEAR itwbshierarchy. ******** Method for saving and creating WBS********** MOVE 'WBS-HIERARCHY' TO itwbsmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'CREATE' TO itwbsmethod-method. APPEND itwbsmethod. CLEAR itwbsmethod. MOVE 'SAVE' TO itwbsmethod-method. APPEND itwbsmethod. CLEAR itwbsmethod. ***********end method **************** ***** WBS updating it with proj_type*** * MOVE wbs_element_parent TO itwbs-wbs_element. MOVE wbs_element TO itwbs-wbs_element. MOVE project_definition TO itwbs-project_definition. MOVE WBS_ELEMENT_DESCRIPTION TO itwbs-description. MOVE vproj_type TO itwbs-proj_type. APPEND itwbs. ***** WBS updating it with proj_type*** CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN' EXPORTING i_project_definition = itproj i_project_definition_upd = itprojupd * IMPORTING * RETURN = TABLES i_method_project = itwbsmethod * I_WBS_ELEMENT_TABLE_UPDATE = i_wbs_element_table = itwbs * I_WBS_MILESTONE_TABLE = * I_WBS_MILESTONE_TABLE_UPDATE = i_wbs_hierarchie_table = itwbshierarchy * I_NETWORK = itnetwork * I_NETWORK_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY = itactivity * I_ACTIVITY_UPDATE = itactmethod * I_RELATION = * I_RELATION_UPDATE = e_message_table = iterr1. * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT = * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE_UPDATE = IF sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. LOOP AT iterr1. MOVE : iterr1-method to wbs_hierarchy_error-method, iterr1-object_type to wbs_hierarchy_error-OBJECT_TYPE, iterr1-internal_object_id to wbs_hierarchy_error-INTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, iterr1-external_object_id to wbs_hierarchy_error-EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, iterr1-message_id to wbs_hierarchy_error-MESSAGE_ID, iterr1-message_number to wbs_hierarchy_error-MESSAGE_NUMBER, iterr1-message_type to wbs_hierarchy_error-MESSAGE_TYPE, iterr1-message_text to wbs_hierarchy_error-MESSAGE_TEXT. append wbs_hierarchy_error. clear iterr1. endloop. COMMIT WORK . WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. . ENDIF." if not wbs_element1 initial **************** create activity in network************ CLEAR : itactivity,itnetmethod,itemsg1,itnetwork. REFRESH :itactivity,itnetmethod,itemsg1,itnetwork. IF NOT network IS INITIAL. CONCATENATE itemsg-internal_object_id activity INTO v_str. MOVE itemsg-internal_object_id+0(12) TO itactivity-network. ELSE. CONCATENATE network1 activity INTO v_str. MOVE network1 TO itactivity-network. ENDIF. MOVE activity TO itactivity-activity. MOVE act_desc TO itactivity-description. MOVE 'PS01' TO itactivity-control_key. MOVE project_definition TO itactivity-project_definition. MOVE wbs_element TO itactivity-wbs_element. MOVE 'W7' TO itactivity-factory_calendar. APPEND itactivity. MOVE '000001' TO itnetmethod-refnumber. MOVE 'NETWORKACTIVITY' TO itnetmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'CREATE' TO itnetmethod-method. MOVE v_str TO itnetmethod-objectkey. APPEND itnetmethod. CLEAR itnetmethod. MOVE 'SAVE' TO itnetmethod-method. APPEND itnetmethod. CLEAR itnetmethod. MOVE network1 TO itnetwork-network. MOVE '001' TO itnetwork-mrp_controller. APPEND itnetwork. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN' * IMPORTING * RETURN = TABLES i_method_project = itnetmethod i_network = itnetwork * I_NETWORK_UPDATE = i_activity = itactivity * I_ACTIVITY_UPDATE = * I_RELATION = * I_RELATION_UPDATE = e_message_table = itemsg1. * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT = * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE_UPDATE = IF sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. LOOP AT itemsg1. MOVE : itemsg1-method to activity_create_error-method, itemsg1-object_type to activity_create_error-OBJECT_TYPE, itemsg1-internal_object_id to activity_create_error-INTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, itemsg1-external_object_id to activity_create_error-EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, itemsg1-message_id to activity_create_error-MESSAGE_ID, itemsg1-message_number to activity_create_error-MESSAGE_NUMBER, itemsg1-message_type to activity_create_error-MESSAGE_TYPE, itemsg1-message_text to activity_create_error-MESSAGE_TEXT. append activity_create_error. clear itemsg1. endloop. COMMIT WORK . WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. *********************** create network relationship********************* CLEAR : itnetmethod,itemsg2,itnetwork,itrelation. REFRESH :itnetmethod,itemsg2,itnetwork,itrelation. MOVE '000001' TO itnetmethod-refnumber. MOVE 'NETWORKRELATION' TO itnetmethod-objecttype. MOVE 'CREATE' TO itnetmethod-method. CONCATENATE relation_type network_predecessor activity_predecessor network_successor activity_successor INTO v_str1. MOVE v_str1 TO itnetmethod-objectkey. APPEND itnetmethod. CLEAR itnetmethod. MOVE 'SAVE' TO itnetmethod-method. APPEND itnetmethod. CLEAR itnetmethod. MOVE network1 TO itnetwork-network. APPEND itnetwork. CLEAR itnetwork. MOVE network_predecessor TO itrelation-network_predecessor. MOVE activity_predecessor TO itrelation-activity_predecessor. MOVE network_successor TO itrelation-network_successor. MOVE activity_successor TO itrelation-activity_successor. MOVE relation_type TO itrelation-relation_type. APPEND itrelation. CLEAR itrelation. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN' * IMPORTING * RETURN = TABLES i_method_project = itnetmethod i_network = itnetwork * I_NETWORK_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY = itactivity * I_ACTIVITY_UPDATE = i_relation = itrelation * I_RELATION_UPDATE = e_message_table = itemsg2. * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT = * I_ACTIVITY_ELEMENT_UPDATE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE = * I_ACTIVITY_MILESTONE_UPDATE = IF sy-subrc = 0. ENDIF. LOOP AT itemsg2. MOVE : itemsg2-method to activity_relation_error-method, itemsg2-object_type to activity_relation_error-OBJECT_TYPE, itemsg2-internal_object_id to activity_relation_error-INTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, itemsg2-external_object_id to activity_relation_error-EXTERNAL_OBJECT_ID, itemsg2-message_id to activity_relation_error-MESSAGE_ID, itemsg2-message_number to activity_relation_error-MESSAGE_NUMBER, itemsg2-message_type to activity_relation_error-MESSAGE_TYPE, itemsg2-message_text to activity_relation_error-MESSAGE_TEXT. append activity_relation_error. clear itemsg2. endloop. . COMMIT WORK . WAIT UP TO 1 SECONDS. . ENDFUNCTION. Get help for your ABAP problems
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