Content Author: Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri
Author Email: sss@cal.vsnl.net.in Author Website: http://www.geocities.com/ojnc * For Rajat's OO ans BAdI Education Report Z_CTRY. * A Shape Interface "Like a shape" "Behaves like a Shape" Adverb/Adjective Interface IShape. Methods: getArea Returning Value(area) Type F, getCircumference Returning Value(circumference) Type F. Endinterface. * A Circle Class that behaves like a Shape Class CCircle Definition. Public Section. Interfaces IShape. Aliases: getArea For IShape~getArea, getCircumference For IShape~getCircumference. Methods: Constructor Importing pRadius Type F, setRadius Importing pRadius Type F, getRadius Returning Value(pRadius) Type F. Private Section. Data radius Type F. Constants PI Type F Value '3.141592365359'. EndClass. Class CCircle Implementation. Method Constructor. radius = pRadius. EndMethod. Method setRadius. radius = pRadius. EndMethod. Method getRadius. pRadius = radius. EndMethod. Method IShape~getArea. Compute area = 2 * PI * radius. EndMethod. Method IShape~getCircumference. Compute circumference = PI * radius * radius. EndMethod. EndClass. * A Square Class Class CSquare Definition. Public Section. Interfaces IShape. Aliases: getArea For IShape~getArea, getCircumference For IShape~getCircumference. Methods: Constructor Importing pSide Type F. Private Section. Data side Type F. EndClass. Class CSquare Implementation. Method Constructor. side = pSide. EndMethod. Method IShape~getArea. Compute area = side * side. EndMethod. Method IShape~getCircumference. Compute circumference = 4 * side. EndMethod. EndClass. * A Rectangle Class Class CRectangle Definition. Public Section. Interfaces IShape. Aliases: getArea For IShape~getArea, getCircumference For IShape~getCircumference. Methods: Constructor Importing pHeight Type F pLength Type F. Private Section. Data: height Type F, length Type F. EndClass. Class CRectangle Implementation. Method Constructor. height = pHeight. length = pLength. EndMethod. Method IShape~getArea. Compute area = height * length. EndMethod. Method IShape~getCircumference. Compute circumference = 2 * ( height + length ). EndMethod. EndClass. * START of PROGRAM * Array of Shapes Data: OneShape Type Ref To IShape, " One Object with Shape Behaviour ShapeTable Type Table Of Ref To IShape. " Array of Objects with Shape Behaviour * Concrete Objects with IShape Behaviour! Data: C1 Type Ref To CCircle, S1 Type Ref To CSquare, R1 Type Ref To CRectangle, C2 Type Ref To CCircle, S2 Type Ref To CSquare, R2 Type Ref To CRectangle. Data: descr_ref TYPE ref to CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR, ClassName Type String, Serial Type I. Data: myArea Type F, myCircumference Type F. START-OF-SELECTION. Create Object C1 Exporting pRadius = '2.5'. Create Object C2 Exporting pRadius = '5.0'. Create Object S1 Exporting pSide = '3.5'. Create Object S2 Exporting pSide = '6.0'. Create Object R1 Exporting pHeight = '2.8' pLength = '3.4'. Create Object R2 Exporting pHeight = '1.7' pLength = '6.3'. * Append in any order! Append S1 to ShapeTable. Append R2 to ShapeTable. Append R1 to ShapeTable. Append C2 to ShapeTable. Append C1 to ShapeTable. Append S2 to ShapeTable. Serial = 0. Loop At ShapeTable into OneShape. Call Method OneShape->getArea Receiving area = myArea. Call Method OneShape->getCircumference Receiving circumference = myCircumference. descr_ref = CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR=>Describe_By_Object_Ref( OneShape ). Call Method descr_ref->get_relative_name Receiving P_RELATIVE_NAME = ClassName. Add 1 to Serial. Write: / Serial, ClassName. Write: / 'Area ', myArea Decimals 4 Exponent 0. Write: / 'Circumference ', myCircumference Decimals 4 Exponent 0. Write: /. EndLoop. ** Results * 1 CSQUARE * Area 12.2500 * Circumference 14.0000 * * 2 CRECTANGLE * Area 10.7100 * Circumference 16.0000 * * 3 CRECTANGLE * Area 9.5200 * Circumference 12.4000 * * 4 CCIRCLE * Area 31.4159 * Circumference 78.5398 * * 5 CCIRCLE * Area 15.7080 * Circumference 19.6350 * * 6 CSQUARE * Area 36.0000 * Circumference 24.0000 |
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