*Title : Excel Uploading *************************************************************** TYPES: BEGIN OF t_datatab, col1(25) TYPE c, col2(30) TYPE c, col3(30) TYPE c, col4(30) TYPE c, col5(30) TYPE c, col6(30) TYPE c, col7(30) TYPE c, col8(30) TYPE c, col9(30) TYPE c, col10(30) TYPE c, col11(30) TYPE c, END OF t_datatab. DATA: it_datatab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_datatab INITIAL SIZE 0, wa_datatab TYPE t_datatab. Data : p_table type t_datatab occurs 0 with header line. DATA : gd_scol TYPE i VALUE '1', gd_srow TYPE i VALUE '1', gd_ecol TYPE i VALUE '256', gd_erow TYPE i VALUE '65536'. DATA: it_tab TYPE filetable, gd_subrc TYPE i. field-symbols : <fs>. ********************************************************************* *Selection screen definition SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001. PARAMETERS: p_file LIKE rlgrap-filename DEFAULT 'c:\test.xls' OBLIGATORY. " File Name SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. *********************************************************************** AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_file. REFRESH: it_tab. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog EXPORTING window_title = 'Select File' default_filename = '*.xls' multiselection = ' ' CHANGING file_table = it_tab rc = gd_subrc. ************************************************************************ LOOP AT it_tab INTO p_file. * so_fpath-sign = 'I'. * so_fpath-option = 'EQ'. * append so_fpath. ENDLOOP. *********************************************************************** START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM upload_excel_file TABLES it_datatab USING p_file gd_scol gd_srow gd_ecol gd_erow. *********************************************************************** * END-OF-SELECTION. END-OF-SELECTION. LOOP AT it_datatab INTO wa_datatab. WRITE:/ wa_datatab-col1, wa_datatab-col2, wa_datatab-col3, wa_datatab-col4, wa_datatab-col5, wa_datatab-col6, wa_datatab-col7, wa_datatab-col8, wa_datatab-col9, wa_datatab-col10, wa_datatab-col11. ENDLOOP. *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form UPLOAD_EXCEL_FILE *&--------------------------------------------------------------------* * upload excel spreadsheet into internal table *---------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->P_TABLE Table to return excel data into * -->P_FILE file name and path * -->P_SCOL start column * -->P_SROW start row * -->P_ECOL end column * -->P_EROW end row *---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM upload_excel_file TABLES p_table USING p_file p_scol p_srow p_ecol p_erow. DATA : lt_intern TYPE kcde_cells OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. * Has the following format: * Row number | Colum Number | Value * --------------------------------------- * i.e. 1 1 Name1 * 2 1 Joe DATA : ld_index TYPE i. * Note: Alternative function module - 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE' CALL FUNCTION 'KCD_EXCEL_OLE_TO_INT_CONVERT' EXPORTING filename = p_file i_begin_col = p_scol i_begin_row = p_srow i_end_col = p_ecol i_end_row = p_erow TABLES intern = LT_INTERN EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_parameters = 1 upload_ole = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. FORMAT COLOR COL_BACKGROUND INTENSIFIED. WRITE:/ 'Error Uploading file'. EXIT. ENDIF. IF lt_intern[] IS INITIAL. FORMAT COLOR COL_BACKGROUND INTENSIFIED. WRITE:/ 'No Data Uploaded'. EXIT. ELSE. SORT lt_intern BY row col. LOOP AT lt_intern. MOVE lt_intern-col TO ld_index. assign component ld_index of structure p_table to <fs>. move : lt_intern-value to <fs>. * MOVE lt_intern-value TO p_table. AT END OF row. APPEND p_table. CLEAR p_table. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "UPLOAD_EXCEL_FILEABAP Tips by : Chowdary |
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