Content Author: Jayanta Narayan Choudhuri
Author Email: sss@cal.vsnl.net.in Author Website: http://www.geocities.com/ojnc * Test Program Report ZJNC3. Data: OffSet type I, Amt2Words type String. Selection-Screen: Begin of Block B1Opts with Frame Title TEXT-002. Parameters: MyAmount type P Decimals 2 , MyChrsLn type I , MyNumLns type I . Selection-Screen: End of Block B1Opts. CALL FUNCTION 'ZAMT2WORDS' EXPORTING AMOUNT = MyAmount CHRSLINE = MyChrsLn NUMLINES = MyNumLns CHANGING AMT2WDS = Amt2Words. Move 0 to OffSet. Do MyNumLns Times. Write: / Amt2Words+OffSet(MyChrsLn). Add MyChrsLn to OffSet. EndDo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Function Module ZAMT2WORDS FUNCTION ZAMT2WORDS. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local interface: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(AMOUNT) TYPE P *" REFERENCE(CHRSLINE) TYPE I *" REFERENCE(NUMLINES) TYPE I *" CHANGING *" REFERENCE(AMT2WDS) TYPE STRING *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Nicely Cased words spelt corectly * suits India * takes care of singular & plural * word wraps at line end * ChrsLine = max no. of chars per line for wordwrapping. * NumLines = max no. of lines Data: chramount type String, workStr type String, numAmount type P Decimals 2. Data: MyTwoDigits type I, quotient type I, remainder type I. Data: cr type I, lk type I, th type I, hun type I, ten type I, paisa type I. Compute MAXLEN = ChrsLine * NumLines. Move '' to mySpaces. Do MAXLEN Times. Concatenate mySpaces '.' into mySpaces. EndDo. Move ChrsLine to LineLength. If LineLength < 20 Or LineLength > 120. Amt2Words = 'Invalid Parameters'. Perform Rpad2MAX. Amt2Wds = Amt2Words. Return. EndIf. If Amount = 0. Amt2Words = 'Rupees Nil Only'. Perform Rpad2MAX. Amt2Wds = Amt2Words. Return. EndIf. * Reference is 'Seventeen'. * Units & Teens Words1 = 'One......' & 'Two......' & 'Three....' & 'Four.....' & 'Five.....' & 'Six......' & 'Seven....' & 'Eight....' & 'Nine.....' & 'Ten......' & 'Eleven...' & 'Twelve...' & 'Thirteen.' & 'Fourteen.' & 'Fifteen..' & 'Sixteen..' & 'Seventeen' & 'Eighteen.' & 'Nineteen.'. Move '' to Words2. * Tens Words2 = 'Twenty...' & 'Thirty...' & 'Forty....' & 'Fifty....' & 'Sixty....' & 'Seventy..' & 'Eighty...' & 'Ninety...'. If Amount < 0. Amt2Words = 'Rupees Minus'. Else. Amt2Words = 'Rupees'. EndIf. * crlkthhtn.ps. Compute numAmount = 1000000000 + Abs( Amount ). Move numAmount to chramount. Move chramount+1(2) to cr. Move chramount+3(2) to lk. Move chramount+5(2) to th. Move chramount+7(1) to hun. Move chramount+8(2) to ten. Move chramount+11(2) to paisa. If cr > 0. Perform InWords2Digits Using cr. If cr > 1. Perform AppendWord Using 'Crores'. Else. Perform AppendWord Using 'Crore'. EndIf. EndIf. If lk > 0. Perform InWords2Digits Using lk. If lk > 1. Perform AppendWord Using 'Lakhs'. Else. Perform AppendWord Using 'Lakh'. EndIf. EndIf. If th > 0. Perform InWords2Digits Using th. Perform AppendWord Using 'Thousand'. EndIf. If hun > 0. Perform InWords2Digits Using hun. Perform AppendWord Using 'Hundred'. EndIf. If ten > 0. Perform InWords2Digits Using ten. EndIf. If paisa > 0. If Amt2Words = 'Rupees'. Amt2Words = 'Paisa'. Else. Perform AppendWord Using 'And'. Perform AppendWord Using 'Paisa'. EndIf. Perform InWords2Digits Using paisa. EndIf. Perform AppendWord Using 'Only'. Perform Rpad2MAX. Amt2Wds = Amt2Words. ENDFUNCTION. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * TOP level Include of Function Group ZUTIL FUNCTION-POOL ZUTIL. "MESSAGE-ID .. * Global ZUTIL Data Data: Words1 type String, Words2 type String, Amt2Words type String, mySpaces type String, LineLength type I , MaxLen type I . *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form AppendWord *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM AppendWord Using AddWord type String. Data: NowLen type I, AddLen type I, NewLen type I, DifLen type I, workStr type String. NowLen = StrLen( Amt2Words ). NowLen = NowLen Mod LineLength. AddLen = StrLen( AddWord ). Compute NewLen = NowLen + 1 + AddLen. If NewLen > LineLength. DifLen = LineLength - NowLen. If DifLen > 1. Subtract 1 from DifLen. Move mySpaces+0(DifLen) to workStr. Concatenate Amt2Words workStr into Amt2Words. EndIf. EndIf. * exact line boundary If NowLen = 0. Concatenate Amt2Words AddWord into Amt2Words. Else. Concatenate Amt2Words '.' AddWord into Amt2Words. EndIf. EndForm. " AppendWord *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form InWords2Digits *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM InWords2Digits Using MyTwoDigits type I. Data: quotient type I, remainder type I, workStr type String, workIdx type I. If MyTwoDigits > 19 . Compute quotient = MyTwoDigits Div 10. Compute remainder = MyTwoDigits Mod 10. Compute workIdx = ( quotient - 2 ) * 9. Move Words2+workIdx(9) to workStr. Replace All Occurrences Of '.' in workStr with ' '. Perform AppendWord Using workStr. If remainder > 0 . Compute workIdx = ( remainder - 1 ) * 9. Move Words1+workIdx(9) to workStr. Replace All Occurrences Of '.' in workStr with ' '. Perform AppendWord Using workStr. EndIf. Else. Compute workIdx = ( MyTwoDigits - 1 ) * 9. Move Words1+workIdx(9) to workStr. Replace All Occurrences Of '.' in workStr with ' '. Perform AppendWord Using workStr. EndIf. EndForm. " InWords2Digits *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form Rpad2MAX *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM Rpad2MAX. Concatenate Amt2Words mySpaces into Amt2Words. Move Amt2Words+0(MAXLEN) to Amt2Words. Concatenate Amt2Words '*' into Amt2Words. Replace All Occurrences Of '.' in Amt2Words With ' !'. Replace All Occurrences Of '!' in Amt2Words With ' '. EndForm. " Rpad2MAX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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