1. What is LDB? Disadvantages of LDB and also advantages.
Logical Database is special ABAP program. It's nested select statements. Advantages: If you use LDB, it retrieves data as per foreign key relations from different tables. You need not know the relations among tables. Disadvantages: Run time will be increased if you use LDB.
2. What are the events associated with LDB and their purpose? GET and GET LAST. GET will be triggered for each
record and retrieves a record. GET LAST will be triggered at end of each
3. In which order they will be triggered. First Get and then Get last of same table.
4. How will you change the selection screen of a LDB? Selection screen can be changed through you add selection
screen option in the program, these will be automatically added to LDB
selection screen for this program.
5. Where you attach the LDB to a report? One is Attributes, two at report header.
6. How many LDBs you can use in a Report? Only one.
7. Order of events triggered during execution of report program. Initialization, selection-screen, at selection-screen,
start-of-selection etc.
8. How to get help and/or possible values for selection screen fields? Events AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON HELP REQUEST and AT SELECTION-SCREEN
9. How many secondary lists you can have in a report? 20 secondary list and 1 basic list.
10. What are events, which triggers secondary lists? At line-selection, At PFnn, At User-command.
11. What is the purpose of HIDE statement. Any other methods other than HIDE for same purpose? Hide will help in transferring data from basic list to
secondary list or one list to other list. Other methods are GET CURSOR
12. What are the different techniques for Data processing/refining in ABAP reports? 1. Internal Tables.
13. Can you put a SQL Join statement in ABAP? If yes, How? Through alias (only in 4.0 and above versions)
14. What is the system variable, which tells about number database records handled? SY-DBCNT
15. What are different techniques available for modularization? Internal Subroutines, External Subroutines, Macros, Function
modules and Include programs.
16. What are different types of internal tables and their usage? |
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