1) System Administrators are an
optional part of implementing and running an SAP application.
a. True
Which is the correct answer? --- 2) System Administrators must develop a backup and recovery strategy because every minute your SAP application is down can cost your organization money. a. True
Which is the correct answer? --- 3) Which of the following activities are the responsibility of the SAP System Administrator? a. Software development
Which is the correct answer? --- Answers 1) b 2) a Planning your backup and recovery strategy for SAP HANA. When to Create a Data Backup You should create a data backup in these situations:
It's strongly recommended to schedule regular data backups to a secure location. A typical backup plan includes:
Regularly delete full backups and backup generations that are no longer needed. This ensures that your SAP HANA database remains recoverable without excessive storage use. 3) c, e, f
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