You have several company
codes and plants in your project. You are setting the plant as
valuation area. How can you minimize the effort involved in account
a. You can group plants assigned to different charts of
accounts by using the account grouping code.
b. You can group plants assigned to the same chart of
accounts by using the valuation grouping code.
c. You can group plants assigned to different charts
of accounts by using the valuation grouping code.
d. You can group plants assigned to the same charts of
accounts by using the account grouping code.
Which is the correct answer?
Valuation Modifier / Valuation Grouping Code
It is assigned to valuation area in Tcode: OMWD
(SPRO IMG -> Materials Management -> Valuation and Account Assignment ->
Account Determination -> Account Determination without Wizard -> Group
Together Valuation Areas)
Together with other factors, the valuation grouping code
determines the G/L accounts to which goods movement is posted (automatic
account determination). For example, valuation areas 1000 and 2000
are required to be posted to the same G/L accounts, these are grouped to
valuation grouping code 0001 and G/L is determined based on valuation grouping
code and valuation class.
Correct answer is b. |