Controlling: Controlling provides you with information for management decision-making. If facilitates co-ordination, monitoring and optimization of all process in an organization. Features of Controlling: Cost Center Accounting, Activity Based Accounting, Internal Orders, Product Costing, & Profitability Analysis. Controlling Area: Organization unit that represents a closed system Used for accounting purposes. You can assign one or more company codes to one controlling area. If you assign more than one company code to one controlling area, then you need to note the following. 1) Consistent Chart of a/c’s (Treat each cost element
in all company codes in same way).
COST ELEMENT ACCOUNTING Cost Elements: Cost Elements Describe the origin of costs. Cost element classifies the organization valuated consumption of production factors within a controlling area. Primary Cost Elements: These arise through the consumption of productions factors that are sourced externally. Primary cost elements are used for direct posting and must be accompanied in GL a/c’s in FI. T-code : KA02 : The categories are follows 1) General primary cost element, 03 - Imputed cost element percentage method 4 - Imputed cost element, target = Actual Method, 11- Revenue elements, & 12 - sales deductions. Secondary Cost Elements: Cost elements arise through the consumption of production factor’s that are provided internally i.e., by enterprise itself. Secondary cost elements are used strictly for internal controlling posting like assessments and settlements. T-code - ka06 Category: 12 - internal settlements, 31 - Result analyses, 41 - overhead’s, 42 - assessments etc. Cost Element Group - kah1 COST CENTER’S Cost Center’s: Organizational Unit within a controlling area that represents a defined location of cost incurrence. The definition can be based on 1) Functional Requirement, 2) Allocation criteria, 3) Physical location and 4) Responsibilities for cost. Change Cost center hierarchy - OKEON
Distribution: Was created to transfer primary costs from
a sender cost center to receiving controlling objects. Distribution is
primary cost elements.
Assessment: Was created to transfer primary and
secondary costs from a sender cost center to receiving controlling objects.
Define Assessment - KSU1
Activity Types : Categorizes productions and services activities provided by a cost center to the organization and used for allocating costs for internal activities to the originates of the costs. Creation of Allocation Cost elements - KA06
Statistical key figures: Are used as the basis (tracing factor) on which to make allocations (assessments & distributions) and to analyze structural key figures. |
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