SAP Material Management Frequently
Asked Question
Material Master
Q: How can I extend
all material to a new plant?
A: The SAP program - RMDATIND
is used to create /update material master record.
Q: How can we delete
materials permanently from Material master?
A: Use transaction MM70
- Material Master->Other->Reorganization->Material->Choose.
Build variant with selection range
of material master records to be selected for deletion and maintain run
parameters. Execute.
Use transaction MM71 - Material
Master-> other-> Reorganization->Material->Reorganization
Build a second variant
Maintain run parameters and execute.
It is also important to remove
the records manually from info record, POs, PRs, reservation etc for successful
deletion of the material.
Q: SAP only provides moving
average value for current, previous period, and previous year. SAP does
not provide transactions/reports that will provide moving
average value for a given date.
How can I report moving average
price for material number 10000000 at plant 0001 on July 4, 1998.
A: Try any of these solutions:
1. Change the updating level of
the structure (S031) to "daily". In LIS the total value and the total stock
are available. Divide value by the stock. It is possible to calculate this
dynamically when the analysis is run and to display the result.
2. Create your own structure in
LIS and populate it by copying the Moving Average Price from the material
master every time there is a transaction. You will have data on those days
when there was a transaction.
Q: We have defined all the
variables for the materials. However, when I attempt to use Material
Matchcode object MAT1, I get the response "No
possible entries found". Why?
A: Matchcode i.d. "B", "Material
by bill of material" has a selection condition for field STLNR NE ' '.
STLNR is the BOM number associated with a material in table MAST. Hence
the message - "no possible entries..." pops up if there are no bills of
materials associated with your material numbers. You get the matchcodes
as long as the material referred by you has BOM number associated with
Q: The matchcode
object selection is defaulted to matctcode ID "B".
Iwould like to change to M "Material by Description"
What is the solution?
A: Press the pull down arrow
on the material number field and matchcode "B" is displayed, press F5 double-click
matchcode i.d. "M", then press F6 . This will set matchcode "M" as the
Q: We have one material master : X and the unit
of measure is 'pcs' and two serial number : A,B
For this material we make two Pos
First PO calls material X , 1 pcs price 100 (will use
serial number A)
Second PO calls material X , 1 pcs price 250 (will use
serial number B)
Goods Receipt is done and by filling serial number for
the fist PO with A and the second PO with B.
We want to transfer material X
serial number A to another plant and want the valuation of this
material as 100. How we can do it ?
A: Use "split valuation". Stocks may be received
into separate storage locations. Transfer stocks may be done from a storage
location/plant to another storage location/plant.
Q: We want to change the
calculation of Moving Average Price. We know that the same is in
MBEW-VERPR and two transactions to consider - MRHR, MB01. Is there a transaction
to change MAV or all the places it is needed?
A: Any Goods receipt or issue (in case of split
valuated material) changes Moving Average price depending upon the valuation
type which is used when posting the goods issue. You have to go through
all the transactions involving those!
For Example:
Material X is using split valuation by origin:
Malaysia : MAV 60 USD - total stock 100 units
India: MAV 50 USD - total stock 200 units
Total stock 300 units MAV 53.33
Here , goods issues will also affect the global MAV,
despite not changing MAV from origin country.
Q: What is the use of configurable
A: Configurable material is useful if you have
a large number of combination of parts that go into a product. It means
different permutations and combinations of the parts for same material.
If you maintain a unique material code for each combination , you require
a large number of material numbers. KMAT may be used in such a case where
you maintain just one generic product code. A super BOM is maintained for
such a material consisting of all possible alternatives. A routing is also
maintained consisting of all possible operations that could be used. Typically
configurable material is used in Made To Order (MTO) environment. However
frequently ordered configurations may be planned with a material variant
which needs to have a material master record. Thus Material variants may
have stock and value. Depending upon characteristic values chosen at sales
order entry Sales Order BOM is created. Routing operations are also chosen
depending upon which BOM components are assigned to them.
Q: Will Source List
automatically appear in Material Master as
default if maintained at
plant level using OME5?
A1: If you have maintained source list requirement
in OME5 and have not maintained the source list for the material , Po can
not be released. You are required to maintain source list for all materials
in the plant where the indicator is set if you maintain source list at
plant level. Else you can make use of info record to do so automatically.
Q: We have One company with a plant and another
company with a sales organization. Which is better option between these
- PO or Stock Transfer Order ?
A: Cross company Stock Transport Orders can be
# Configure using transaction OMGN.
# Depending upon the sending and receiving plants, maintain
sales organization and customer data in customizing.
# Maintain the supplying plant as a vendor and attach
the plant to the vendor in the Vendor Master.
# Material type has to be HALB or HAWA.
# Ensure that the company with sales Organization has
a plant to take care of stocking.
# The PO used is NB and not Stock Transfer PO.
Configure SD for inter-company billing to enable picking
up the pricing procedure for billing.
# Carry Out delivery through process delivery due list
and billing through process billing due list.
Q: We can make field mandatory. We want to make
a default value to a Particular
field in the Material Master. Say, We want that the period indicator
in the MRP2 view as "P". What is the best way?
A: Use transaction variant. Transaction SHD0 and
then Transaction SE93.
Q: How can we track requisitions
that have the deletion indicator set? Can
we track the date in which the deletion indicator was set?
A: You can refer the change document tables cdpos
and cdhdr. You can also refer Transaction ME53 under menu path goto-statistics-changes,
where the complete audit trails of changes, including deletion are stored.
Q: Is it possible to generate Purchase
requisition (PR) with reference to Scheduling
A: PR can be created with reference to another
PR and can not be created referencing a PO or Scheduling agreements. PO
& Scheduling are created and controlled by purchasing organizations.
PR can be created by even end users. For creating PR with reference to
another PR, follow the menu path:
Requisition->Copy reference and enter.
However requirement can be generated with reference to
Scheduling agreement when MRP is run. For this to happen, source list has
to be maintained for that item-vendor combination and the MRP shall be
properly set.
Q: Where can I locate
the latest Purchase Order price and the latest
purchase order number for a material?
A: Logistics-Material
Management-Purchasing-Master data-Info record-List display-Order Price
Q: Automatic generation of
PO is by using 'Automatic Via Purchase Requisition' option in purchasing-
Requisition-Follow on Functions- Create PO. However PO can not be created
automatically after MRP run. Is there a provision in SAP to release Purchase
Orders automatically
after MRP run?
A: Tick the automatic
PO and Source List fields in purchase view of the material master for the
vendors on whom you would like to release PO automatically. Create a purchase
info record. Create source list. In the last column in the details screen
of the source list check the field relevant for MRP set the correct parameters
for running MRP. But PO can not be created automatically after MRP run.
The automatic PO creation flag enables you to run a batch
job that will convert all selected Purchase Requisitions to be converted
Purchase Orders in the background.
You may consider scheduling agreements if you want MRP
to kick out Purchase Orders. Set the flag in the source list for the scheduling
agreement to "2" enabling MRP to kick out delivery schedules for future
requirements. If you want to fix the schedule within a certain period you
have two options.
1. Using firm zone - firms all orders within this period
. Refer additional data screen of the scheduling agreement at the vendor
material level.
2. Planning time - all new orders outside of the planning
time fence - refer MRP 1 view of the material master
Q: I would like Convert
MRP generated 100 PRs into 100 POs
Not one by one manually. Is it possible?
A: Use transaction ME59
Q: How can I print an
Un-invoiced Receipts Report which shows Purchase
Orders for which goods are received , but not yet invoiced ? We require
this report with sub-totals and tied to Un-invoiced Receipts G/L Account
A: Report RM07MSAL analyses GR/IR balances according
to goods received but not invoiced and invoices received where good have
not been fully delivered.
Q: How can I calculate
the net price of an inforecord for a given
A: Run price simulation in the LIS-Purchasing
on the Vendor-info record and Specify the required date. (Transaction code
is : MEIL)
Q: Can we release a Purchase
Order with price equals zero?
( like in SD- free of charge sales Order)
A: Create the PO with IR field un-ticked in Item
Detail screen and change the line item price to 0.
Q: The net price is calculated by summing up the
gross price condition type and subtracting /adding all discount/surcharge
type condition types respectively. Any condition type which is not marked
as statistical will be considered for net price calculation. We have a
surcharge that is not marked as statistical and should be included in the
net price but excluded in the taxation base value. Can I have a procedure
the taxes are calculated
on the net price calculated till the condition
type NAVS and then have this additional surcharge type?
A: Create Pricing Schema with all condition not
marked in Statistical column if you need all condition Record to be calculated.
For Example :
Level CondTy Description From To
100 PB00 Gross Price
200 RA01 Discount % on Gross
300 ZMUP Mark Up (value)
400 Base Value for Tax 100 300
500 ZDIS Disc. Excluded Tax
600 Net Amount
700 MST Tax 400 400
800 Net Amount
With this Schema:
- Net Amount will be calculated from PB00, RA01, ZMUP,
- Tax will be calculated from PB00, RA01, ZMUP.
Total amount will be calculated from net amount and Tax.
So, ZDIS will included in Net Amount and excluded for Tax.
Q: Can we change the
name of the
Vendor in a PO
released on another Vendor?
A: NO. You may create another PO on the vendor
required by referencing any PO.
Q: We want to return unused
material procured from a vendor and update stock or expense Account.
How to do this effectively?
A: 1. Use movement type - 122 to reverse receipt
and reopen purchase order. This can be done if you can identify the PO
against which the material was received. And also credit shall be same
as PO Price
2. Special movement type has to be setup if the PO is
not known. The price may have to be negotiated with vendor.
Q: How do I define a new
currency ? How can i set number of decimal places more than two?
A: Define a new currency in Customizing with transaction
If you change the current currency all of your accounting
documents will be re-evaluated by R3 and this could cause adverse affects
to your financials.
Use transaction
OY04 to assign number of digits to new currency
OBBS to define conversion factors for currency conversion
OB08 to enter exchange rates
XK02 to assign new currency to Vendor Master
ME11 to create a Purchase Info record
Create MM documents with the new extended price.
However you notice that accounting documents will still
reflect the 2 digit price and rounded to the nearest 1/100th.
Q: Our supplier delivers his product for an Auction.
We sell it in auction and pay the supplier. What is the best way to handle
A: You can try consignment process. In this process,
Vendor holds the goods until they are sold. The price to the supplier can
be reset when the goods are sold in settle consignment liabilities.
Q: How can I open
a previous MM period?
A: Transaction - MMPV
Menu path - Logistics->Materials Management->MaterialMaster->Other->
Close Period
Q: We can make a particular indicator mandatory.
Can I have a
defaulted value for the indicator
while creating Material master that can be changed
later in MM02?
A: Try using transaction variant, transaction
code SHDO. And then SE93. In SE93 choose the option of variant transaction
Q: How can I generate a report
of cancelled PO?
A1: Use a Query with table EKKO whose field LOEKZ
is the deletion indicator.
A2: Go to the initial screen of purchasing. Then
This allows you to select certain fields from the EKKO table and EKPO table.
Deletion indicator can also be seen here. Use 'dynamic selections' to determine
your selection criteria and run the report.
A3: You can also do this via the IMG
Go to Transaction OMEM or Menu path - MM -> Purchasing
-> Reporting -> Maintain Purchasing Lists
Click on Scope of List Create New entry.
Check on Change Documents field. Name the new Scope with
relevant name. This will now appear in Scope of List field in all Purchasing
List Display screens. The output will show the details of the changes like
date and time of change, old value, new value etc.
Q: How can we detect
a change in a Purchase Order?
A: For Header level changes: Go to Header -> Statistics
-> Changes
For Item level changes: Go To Item-> Statistics -> Changes
Q: We want to pop-up
a screen to show the total value of PO before
saving the PO so that user can decide whether to save the PO or discard
it. What is the best way ?
A: Try using EXIT_SAPLEINS_001. It is entered
during the saving operation of a PO. You can review the PO, present a popup
dialog using one of the POPUP_* functions enabling the user to decide either
to save or abort the PO.
Q: PO item text is
being adopted from the Material master. The text has got adopted status
and is not stored in the text ID tables STXH and STXL. Hence print program
is not able to print these texts. How can we solve this?
A: Purchase order texts can be adopted from Info
record or material master. All the texts finally gets stored in table STXH
with different text application objects. Incase of PO header text it is
EKKO and PO Item text it is EKPO. Even if the texts are adopted from either
of these, there is a possibility that it can be altered at PO level. Here
it will get stored with object EKKO or EKPO.
There is no need to store this at PO level if there is
no change made to the text at PO level,.
Try these: Check for texts in EKKO or EKPO ( depending
on header or item level)
If no text gets returned back check in object EINA for
info record or MATERIAL for material master long text.( table is same i.e.
Q: While creating a purchase order we can see that
there is the "Info rec. update" in the box
item detail screen. How can we change the default
setting for this box?
A: In MM Purchasing configuration (use Transaction
code: OMFI), you can assign the default value of info records update for
buyers then assign it through parameter ID EVO (check the configuration
Vendor Evaluation
Q: I want to have multiple
addresses of a vendor - for ex: mailing,
shipping, payment remittance, several billing addresses, etc. Suppose we
have 25 addresses for one company, what is the best way without creating
25 separate companies and their addresses?
A: You can solve this problem
by using Partner functions. Using Transaction WOLP, Partner roles and partner
schemas at vendor level and purchasing Document level can be defined. Create
as many vendor numbers as required (say 25 -in this case) and assigning
to the respective partner roles.
Q: The source list
is created for a material ie. source list required is marked. When a PO
is created a different vendor can still be selected and even if 'fix' indicator
in source list is marked, system only shows warning msg. How can we fix
a purchase order to only a fixed vendor
for a material ?
A1: Try changing the warning message into an error
message. Note the message number. Then use menu
OLME -> Environment-> system message.
A2: Tick the indicator "Source List" in the material
master (purchasing view) By ticking this, the procurement would be only
possible from sources specified in the source list. You may also think
of making the field mandatory in the material master.
Q: We want the Vendor code
as 'abc1234' where first 3 characters are alpha and the last four
digits are digits serial numbers. What is the solution?
A: Use an user exit. With this user exit, you
can check but can not force the user to enter the value correctly.
Q: We want to set up a Preferred
Vendor list to enable users to determine the Vendor to be called
for the material required while raising the Requisition. What is the best
A: Use Transaction ME01 to Maintain Source List.
At the preferred vendor, click the Fix check box. By this preferred vendor
is automatically assigned whenever 'Follow on function' is called for your
PR (Create PO).
Q: What is the SAP standard way for deleting
all the vendors centrally from the system?
A: 1. Mark vendors for deletion: XK062.
2. Run SAPF047 which creates an entry in an internal
SAP table which is used later
3. Run SAPF058. Check "General Master record" and "MM
Data" boxes on, "Test Run " off. Enter Purchase Organizations.
4. Run SAPF058. Check "General Master record" and "FI
Data" boxes on, "Test Run " off. Enter Purchase Organizations. ABAP programmer
can create an ABAP program to do it.
Inventory Management
Q: How can we create
one inventory doc with all your materials to count instead of generating
one doc for each material?
A1: You can carry out transaction
MI01 - by referencing your plant & storage location. You can then enter
as many inventory materials as you want.
A2: Set maximum number of
items to say 50 using Transaction MICN. The same can be preset using transaction
Q: How is GR/IR account
related to Inventory?
A: If you are involved with inventory, then you
need the GR/IR account (Inventory Account) when the IR is posted.
If you are not involved about inventory, then the system
does not need the GR/IR account when the IR is posted, the system needs
a G/L instead of the GR/IR account.
Q: We tried RMCB0300
to find out logical value for stock item by date. But after re-valuation,
stock value is supported by month instead of date. How can we find the
logical value for stock item by date?
A: Use Transaction MC49
Menu path :
1. Information systems -> Logistics -> Inventory management->Material
-> Document Evaluations -> Stock value -> Mean inventory or
2. Logistics -> Logistics controlling -> Inventory Controlling
Environment -> Document evaluations -> Stock value -> Mean Stock Value.
Q: How can we transfer
stock from one vendor to another vendor?
A: DO 542 and then 541 to
the new vendor.
Invoice verification
Q: How can I cancel
a posted invoice? The error message 'BSEG-GSBER
is not an input field' is appearing. Even OSS note -94932 did not help.
A: The error is due to suppression
of Business area field in the field status group. Due to this, while reversing
the document, the system finds this field is suppressed and hence does
not proceed further.
Locate the field status group for
the recco account entered in the vendor master and the relevant field status
In IMG, go to FI Global settings-Documents-
Line items-Control-Maintain field status variant.
Here for the relevant field status
variant and the field status group you may find the business area field
has been suppressed.
Ware House
Q: A storage
location from different plant can be
assigned to the warehouse of any Plant. But different storage location
within the same plant cannot be assigned to
the same warehouse number. Why ?
A: Different storage locations
from different plants can be assigned to the same warehouse. But different
storage locations within the same plant can not be assigned to the same
warehouse number. These storage locations may be defined as storage types
or storage sections.
Q: We are using only fixed
bins and do not want to use automatic bin creation nor any strategy
for removing/loading goods to the storage? In what way Ware
Housing helps me?
A: You may go for Ware House module if,
you have materials in more than one bin
you manage several different types of storage (high rack,
block ...)-
you need a very flexible control for printouts
Consumption Based
Q: We have a lot size procedure
here which is creating more order proposals. How do you set the limit
value for maximum number of MRP
order proposals per date in IMG?
A: Under customization,
play around with materials management/consumption based planning/maintain
all plants
Q: What is the difference
between "planned consumption" and "Unplanned consumption"?
Can safety stock calculation be done on either of these?
A: While customizing movement
types (OMJJ) it is defined as to which set of consumption values gets posted
during the material movement. For some it may always be the total consumption
and for some it is always the unplanned one and for some it is dependent
on whether the issues were done with reference to a reservation ie., a
planned consumption. The way these consumption values are taken into account
in MRP is defined in the customizing of MRP types.
For Reorder point planning (VM)
the total consumption is used to calculate the safety stock and the reorder
For Forecast based planning (VV)
the total consumption is used to build the forecast which will be used
to compile the order proposals.
For Deterministic MRP (PD) the
unplanned consumption is used to calculate the forecast which in turn is
added to the actual demand.
Q: We are trying to
use reservations to block our existing un-restricted plant stock against
a Sales Order Line Item. But the reservation is included in the Planning
file when MRP is run.. We want to disable the reservation
in MRP. How can I do this?
A: Use transaction OPPI.
Menu path : Customizing->Production->MRP->Planning->MRP
Calculations->Stock->Define Availability
Check "block Stock"
Q: We
do not want to convert
Planned orders to requisitions in our
MRP run and keep some materials in the step
of planned orders. Can we do this?
A: Check
the indicator in transaction 'OPPR'. Assign the indicator specifying planned
orders only.
Q: We could create two Purchase
Orders for full amount & quantity out of one Purchase Requisition.
two goods receipts and invoice receipts on their respective POs. How can
We avoid
this kind of double
For PO's:
Define buyers' functional authorizations
in the customizing for purchasing, there you can unmark PO w/o reference
allowed. Buyer's functional authorization , say 'abc' can be created using
transaction code OMET. Assign this 'abc' to a particular user by using
parameter ID "EFB" (trans su52).
For GR and IR:
Make the warning message as an
error in customizing of messages under Inventory Management or Invoice
Verification, respectively.
For IR:
Mark the indicator in the vendor
master for checking of double invoices.
Q: Is there a transaction
or Report available to see the scrapped
quantity of a particular material where goods issue is done using
movement type 551?
A: If you want to manage
the inventory of Scrap, create another material ID for scrap and receive
as by-product. When you issue goods against Movement type 551, the material
is removed from inventory by writing it off the books.
Q: We want to run multi-plant
planning for 3 plants A, B and C , where the requirements of plant
A and B are transferred to Plant C. Plant C is expected to consolidate
the requirement and convert these requirements into requisitions and then
into POs. When we do a planning at Plant C, we are unable to see the requirements
for plant A and plant B. We are using the special procurement key 40 for
all the materials being planned. Can we do multi plant planning at plant
level as well as Material level?
A: The special procurement
key is defined for the Planning plant and does not contain supplying plant.
This key may be copied to create new key. Then enter the supplying plant
in it. Use this key in material master. Now all the requirements of plant
A and B will be called in planning plant C.
Q: We are doing goods receipt
with PO. How can we find whether there is any USER
EXIT available which is triggered before the
document is saved?
A: The User exit in your
case could be MB_CF001 and use transaction SMOD to look for user exits
Q: In MM pricing schema,
there are a list of selection from A to M and 1 to 8. How can we make use
of the
condition sub-total field ?
A: Subtotal field on Pricing schema are useful
in number of cases.
# For Ex: 1 is Carry over value to KOMP-KZWI1.
# 7 is used for deciding on the basis for which to calculate
Rebate subsequent settlement.
# S is used for the final net inclusive, cash discount,
rebates and any other conditions including statistical
# For reporting in LIS
# Used in the layout for printing.
Q: There are some complaints that though the data
is correct in User Info (USR03) , Purchase order is being printed
with wrong information . For Example: telephone
Number. Where can I find correct Purchase group Information?
A: Purchase group information is in table T024.
Q: What are the tables generally
used for MM Queries ?
A: Some tables are listed below . However a host
of others can be seen using Technical help after activating the query
Purchasing Tables |
Purchase Requisitions
Purchase Order |
Material Master |
Material master
Material master - segment C
Material to BOM Link
Material Valuation |
BOM Tables |
BOM Header
BOM item
BOM Sub-item |
Purchase Group information |
T024 |
MRP Tables |
MRP Header
MRP Table |
Q: What are the typical transaction
codes for IM & PO?
A: Transaction codes can be checked using menu path System->Service->Status.
IM transaction codes start with MBxx.
PO transaction codes start with Mexx.
Q: During a good issue for a inventory product
(HIBE), we assign by the automatic account assignment a GL account in relation
to the valuation class of the product. However we would like to change
this GL account automatically depending of
the cost center requested the product for
consumption. How can we do it?
A: Try OKB9 where you can find the cost center
account assignment table. However this GL account becomes defaulted for
all the products used by the cost center.
Note that GBB/VBR process key governs the credit posting
for cost center issues in Automatic Account Assignment (AAA) .
If you want change Account assignment for exception materials
, try the following options:
1.For all exception materials define a new valuation
class and setup all inventory posting accounts for this exception valuation
class. Here the AAA automatically picks up the G/L a/c.
2.In the inventory screen allow the user to enter G/L
a/c manually . Configure the IMG in inventory so that user account overrides
the AAA determined account
3. Define a new movement type by copying 201 to say 901.
Then in Valuation IMG define a transaction key for 901 under account grouping
for movement. types. Define G/L accounts for this new transaction key.
For exception issues users have to use this new movement type.
Q: We have specified in MRP
for requisitions to be created. The document
type of the requisitions created is always
the type NB. How can we change
the document type created?
A: Refer transaction 'OMH5'. Define the document
type required that you want in ME51.
Q: We have created a workflow for the purchase
requisition approval process . When the event
(BUS2009, RELEASESTEPCREATED) is triggered
to kick off WF , the following error message
is appearing
Work item XXXXXX: Linkage to object BUS2009 event REJECTED
cannot be written.
Diagnosis: The instance linkage between the required
event and the specified work item cannot be entered in the type linkage
table of the event manager.
The reason is either a database error or an error when
generating internal linkage numbers.
What to do: Check the number range object 'SWE_EVTID'
How can this be fixed?
1. Must update the number range for events object SWE_EVTID
with transaction SNRO.
Ex: SWE_EVTID: 01 000000000001 999999999999.
2. SWE2, double click on BUS2009 entries, check GLOBAL
field, ENABLE field will be updated
3. Error when executing the Workflow. Transaction code
SWLE not defined. Apply OSS note 43986 to fix.
Q: How can we make a Taxcode
as default on purchase order item detail screen ?
A1: Use condition type NAVS with access sequence
0003 to default the taxcode in the purchase order item using conditions.
A2: Go to IMG.
Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchasing order
processing ->define screen layout at document level.
Search for the transaction ME21.Double click on ME21.
Then search for TaxCode. It is advisable to configure also the info record.
The tax code should be a required entry, and whatever you specify here
will be the default value in the Purchase order.
Materials Management -> Purchasing -> Purchasing info
record -> define screen layout.
When you get here you search for the transaction ME12
,double click here; search for Input VAT indicator.
Q: We have defined EA (each) as 0 decimal place
in configuration. But transaction ME2L shows this field with three decimal
places. How can I change to actual number of decimal
A: The quantity (MENGE) in that report must have
been set for 3 decimal places. Table EKPO may have to be corrected accordingly.
Q: We have created a new
movement type and assigned to a schedule line. When goods issue
is posted,
message - movement
type zzz is not allowed for customer goods movement? Why?
A: Use transaction code OMJJ and check the "Allowed
Transactions" for customizing movement types.
Q: Is it possible to generate packing list for
goods issued in MM?
A: SD & Ware House management have the functionality
of picking/Packing lists.
Q: The following is
set up for workflow:
Workflow organization Structure with 2 positions is created
and assigned a person to both positions
Assign tasks to agent
TS 00007986 Requisition release - TO JOBS
TS 00008014 Purchase requisition release refused - GENERAL
TS 00008018 Requisition released - GENERAL
TS 00008348 Requisition release reset - GENERAL
WS 00000038 Workflow for purchase requisition release
3.Activate event linkage
WS 00000038 Workflow for purchase requisition release
WE BUS2009 RELEASESTEPCREATE Purchase requisition Release
step create is activated
4.Activated release codes for workflow
[1= Role resolution with group, code, and plant (T16FW)]
5.Assigned release codes to agent (JOBS created in 1)
The following error appears
"Work item 60772: Linkage
to object BUS2009
event REJECTED cannot be
written ".
A: Use transaction SWE2. Make sure "object BUS2009
event REJECTED" is enabled.
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