1. What is a plant in MM?
A plant is an organizational unit where materials are produced or goods and services are provided. In SAP, a plant is represented by a unique four-digit alphanumeric number. A plant is allocated to one company code, and a company can have many plants. In the organizational unit, a plant can be at one of the following locations:
You can define a plant in the MM by performing the following steps: Select IMG -> Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Logistic–General -> Define, Copy, Delete, Check Plant.
There are three prerequisites that are required in order to create a plant. They are as follows: - Company calendar —Comprised of work days, public holidays, and company holidays. Every SAP system is provided with a company calendar that can be modified per the schedule of the company. - Country key —Helps in defining a plant. - Region key —Refers to a state or province that is associated
with the country. It is required along with the country key.
4. How many company codes can be assigned to a plant? You can assign only one company
code to a plant.
5. Can a company code be assigned to many plants? You can assign many plants to one company code.
You can assign a company code to a plant by navigating
the following menu path: SAP Menu -> Tools -> Customizing -> IMG -> Execute
Project -> Display IMG (SAP
reference IMG) -> Enterprise Structure -> Assignment -> Logistics ->
General -> Assign Company Code to Plant.
7. Define Storage location in SAP. A storage location is defined by performing the following steps:
A storage location is defined by performing the following steps:
You can assign a storage location to a plant either by using the transaction code OX09 or by performing the following steps: - Open the SAP Customizing Implementation guide. - Select Enterprise Structure > Definition > Materials Management > Maintain Storage Location. The view cluster Maintenance: Initial Screen window appears with the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box opened. In the Determine Work Area: Entry dialog box, enter a
plant number and click Continue. The change view Storage Locations: Overview
screen appears where you can assign a storage location to the plant.
10. Can storage locations be created automatically? How can they be created automatically? Storage locations can be created automatically when an inward goods movement for a material is performed. In order to create storage location automatically, open the SAP Implementation guide and click Materials Management -> Inventory Management and Physical Inventory -> Goods Receipt -> Create Storage Location Automatically. |
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