Oracel Database 12c
1. Which two PL/SQL packages are used by Oracle Data Pump? A. UTL_DATAPUMP
2. Which of these options is not a benefit of Oracle
Data Pump?
A. Data Pump supports fine-grained object selection using
the EXCLUDE, INCLUDE, and CONTENT options.
3. The Data Pump job maintains a master control table
with information about Data Pump.
A. The master table is the heart of Data Pump operation
and is maintained in the SYS schema.
4. When using the expdp and impdp clients, the parameters LOGFILE, DUMPFILE, and SQLFILE need a directory object where the files will be written to or read from. Choose the nonsupported method for nonprivileged users. A. Specify the DIRECTORY parameter.
5. Which command-line parameter of expdp and impdp clients connects you to an existing job? A. CONNECT_CLIENT
6. Which option unloads the data and metadata of the SCOTT user, except the tables that begin with TEMP? The dump file also should have the DDL to create the user. A. CONTENT=BOTH TABLES=(not like 'TEMP%') SCHEMAS=SCOTT
7. Which parameter is not a valid one for using the impdp client? A. REMAP_INDEX
8. When do you use the FLASHBACK_TIME parameter in the impdp utility? A. To load data from the dump file that was modified after
a certain time.
9. To perform a Data Pump import from a live database, which parameter needs to be set? A. db_link
10. When is it most appropriate to use an external table? A. When you need to read binary files (PDF and photos)
into Oracle Database
--- Answers: 1. B, C. The DBMS_METADATA package provides the database object
definitions to the export worker processes in the order of their creation.
The DBMS_DATAPUMP package has the API for high-speed export and import
for bulk data and metadata loading and unloading.
2. B, D. Oracle Data Pump is known to versions 10g and newer; Oracle9i
does not support Data Pump. Although Data Pump can perform data access
using the direct-path or external-table method, Data Pump makes the
decision automatically; the DBA cannot specify the data-access method.
Data Pump also supports network mode to import directly from the source
database and can estimate the space requirements for the dump file.
3. D. The master table is the heart of the Data Pump operation
and is maintained in the schema of the job creator. It bears the name of
the job, contains one row for each object and each operation, and keeps
status. Using this information helps restart a failed job or suspend and
resume a job. The master table is written to the dump file as the last
step of the export and is loaded to the schema of the user as the first
step of the import.
4. C. If a directory object is created with the name DATA_PUMP_DIR,
the privileged users can use this location as the default location for
Data Pump files. Privileged users are users with EXP_FULL_DATABASE or IMP_FULL_DATABASE
roles. Using %U in the filename generates multiple files for parallel unloads,
with each parallel process writing to one file.
5. D. The ATTACH parameter lets you attach or connect to an
existing Data Pump job and places you in interactive mode. ATTACH without
any parameters attaches to the currently running job, if there is only
one job from the user. Otherwise, you must specify the job name when using
the ATTACH parameter.
6. B. If the CONTENT parameter is not specified, both data and
metadata will be unloaded. The valid values for CONTENT are METADATA_ONLY,
DATA_ONLY, and ALL. If SCOTT is performing the export, SCHEMAS=SCOTT is
7. A. REMAP_DATAFILE changes the name of the source data file
to the target data filename in all DDL statements where the source data
file is referenced. REMAP_SCHEMA loads all objects from the source schema
into the destination schema. When using REMAP_TABLESPACE, all objects selected
for import with persistent data in the source tablespace are remapped to
be created in the destination tablespace. REMAP_TABLE changes the name
of the table. Because the dump file is in XML format, Data Pump can make
these transformations easily. REMAP_INDEX is an invalid parameter.
8. C. You can specify the FLASHBACK_TIME or FLASHBACK_SCN parameter
only when performing a network import where the source is a database.
9. B. The network_link parameter specifies a database link to
the source database.
10. B. External tables can be used to read ASCII flat files without loading them into the database. The external table must be created with the ORACLE_LOADER access driver. |
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