These are a list of questions to ask in the QM sphere
at the time of design and requirements gathering at customer sites . For
veterans in SAP, we used to use the ASAP methodology in projects which
had a component called QADB (questions database). This is the checklist
of questionnaire that you should ask.
SAP QM – Standard Questions
1 Organization
1.1 Quality Inspectors
1.1.1 How many quality inspectors are there on each site?
1.1.2 Is there a quality inspection hierarchy i.e., in
a lab/testing environment there is a Quality inspection clerk and a quality
inspection supervisor?
1.1.3 If there is a hierarchy, what tasks are allocated
to which level and why?
2 Master Data
2.1 QM General - Inspection Plan
2.1.1 Give an example for an inspection plan that you
currently use and explain which critical data it contains.
2.1.2 Do you have valid inspection descriptions and operations
for each individual material or for all materials? (Are certain materials
assigned the same inspection operations?) Describe them.
2.2 QM General - Work Centers
2.2.1 Do you have multiple inspection locations (work
centers) per plant? Describe these locations, and identify how they are
different. 2.2.2 Are inspectors assigned to a definite work center?
2.2.3 Will approval procedures comply to the work center
or operation? Describe this in detail.
2.3 QM General - Inspection Characteristic/Master Inspection
2.3.1 Do you want to use qualitative and/or qualitative
master inspection characteristics?
2.3.2 How do you want to classify the master inspection
2.4 QM General - Material Specification
2.4.0 (Information) You need a material specification
to transfer quality inspection data to batch management. The specification
completes the inspection plan or replaces it entirely, if detailed instructions
are not required. (Information)
2.4.1 Will you use material specifications as inspection
criteria for your material?
2.4.2 Will you transfer inspection data to the batch?
If yes, to which characteristics does this apply?
2.5 QM General - Inspection Method
2.5.1 Will you maintain instructions for the inspection
of characteristics? How are these currently stored?
2.6 QM General - Catalog
2.6.1 For which data are defects/results recorded for
each catalog?…(list of reason codes why something is defective)
2.7 QM General - Sampling Scheme
2.7.1 Do you want to use special sampling schemes to
calculate sample sizes?
2.8 QM General - Sampling Procedure
2.8.1 How are the sample quantities to be calculated
and what criteria are to be used?
2.9 QM General - Dynamic modification Rule
2.9.1 Will you define the inspection scope based on quality
(this means for example, will you check processes with a consistently low
quality more regularly than those processes, which constantly improve in
quality)? Describe the procedure.
2.10 QM General - Sample-Drawing Procedure
2.10.1 How do you want to calculate the sample size?
2.11 QM General - QM Order
2.11.1 In which plants should quality costs be determined?
2.12 QM in Materials Management - Quality Info Record
2.12.1 Do you expect quality certificates (for example,
plant certificates or analysis certificates) from your suppliers before
or during material shipping? Describe which document types you need and
give examples.
2.13 QM in Production - Routing (overlap with PP)
2.13.1 For which business processes do you require routings?
2.14 QM in Sales and Distribution - QM control in Sales
2.14.1 Will you manage quality management documents (customer
agreements about quality assurance and technical terms of delivery)? Give
an example. |