This field plays a great role during picking.
The sequence value defines the sequence in which the picker is to remove
goods from the storage bins.
For the picking function, it is important that this is setup already when the transfer order is created or when the picking list is printed. It is possible to sort the transfer order items in a desired sequence. The sorting influences how the transfer order is split, how the pick lists are to be created, and therefore how the workload is distributed in the warehouse. To optimize adjustment of the sort sequence for the transfer order items to the warehouse structure, you can use the sort field for picking. You can define an index for each warehouse number and storage type that specifies at which position the storage bin coordinates are copied into the sort field (see Define Sort Sequence for Putaways (Cross-Line Placement into Stock)). To do this, you assign an item number to each storage bin coordinate. You must assign unique item numbers, and can only use the values 1 through 6. Once you have defined the index for assigning item numbers to the bin coordinates, choose: Storage Bin -> Create -> Automatically and Storage Bin -> Change -> Selectively to construct the sort field. You can overwrite the sequence value determined manually by choosing Change Storage Bin. IMG Path: Logistics Execution -> Warehouse Management -> Strategies-> Define Sort Sequence for Stock Removal (Picking) -> Definition of sequence field (stock removal) in stor. bin Transaction Code: SPRO/ SM30 Table: View T343J / V_T343J Example: R = Row, S = Stack, L = Level For the coordinate structure R R - S S - L L for example, enter 1 2 3 4 5 for the storage bin positions 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the coordinate structure (that is, for S S - L L) in the sort fields. The first column in each storage type will be printed first, then the second and so on. For this example, the entries are as follows in the definition table: Position : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Variable : 1 2 3 4 5 Structure : R R - S S - L L Conclusion In the standard SAP system, no sample entries are preset for you. If you wish to use the sort function for picking, you must define the index for assigning item numbers to storage bin coordinates before you create the storage bins. If you define the index afterwards, the fields and the indices for existing storage bins are not filled with the respective data. If, however, you must change the sort sequence in picking for storage types where the bins are already created, you must change the respective storage bins. Steps to do: 1. For all storage types in which the sort field is to be taken into consideration during picking, define the index for assigning position numbers to the storage bin coordinates. 2. If you subsequently want to assign other sort fields to existing storage bins, you must change the storage bins. You can find this function in the Warehouse Management menu under Master Data -> Storage Bin -> Change -> Selectively. |
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