How storage bin types are used?
The system can use the storage bin types in the storage unit type check to determine whether the load carriers intended for the current putaway activity are suitable for the storage bin that was determined by the system, based on the Customizing settings or information that was entered manually by the user. In Customizing, storage bin types (groups of storage bins) are assigned to groups of (permitted) load carriers (storage unit types) for this purpose. You can also make optional entries for the maximum weight a storage bin can hold and its total capacity. These entries are only taken into account by the system if the capacity check has been activated at storage type level with the corresponding method. If a storage bin has stock, this stock is displayed in detail in the storage bin master data record. You can also tell from the master record whether the storage bin inventory has already been counted in the current fiscal year, and see the results of the count. You can block a storage bin for a putaway and/or stock
removal directly from its master record. However, if you want to block
a large number of storage bins, you can use a special transaction, Block/Unblock
Several Storage Bins Simultaneously (transaction code LS06). The system
cannot access blocked storage bins during putaway, stock removal, and posting
change activities.
Questions 1) Some kinds of material; for example, certain fluids are not suited to interim storage in a goods receipt area. They are taken directly to the destination storage bin when they arrive (for example, in a road tanker). In this case, the goods receipt posting in the Inventory Management should not trigger the creation of transfer requirement. How can we set this? a) Special Material Indicator
Explanation: The main purpose of special movement indicator is to deal with selected materials differently from the majority of materials during putaway, stock removal, or stock transfer. However, you can also set the indicator independently of the material for individual Inventory Management posting activities to control the process flow in the warehouse in a special way. Special treatment could include: for example, transfer order creation or putaway in a particular storage type. The indicator is always used to allow exceptions to the rule without having to enter the details manually. The system steers a certain material toward its own goods receipt area during a goods receipt posting for a purchase order. With the help of the special movement indicator, which you either store in the material master record or enter during the goods receipt posting, the system determines a different Warehouse Management movement type than the one defined for the standard process. The movement type for this special processing is assigned to a different interim storage area than the standard movement type. The special movement indicator can also cause immediate
transfer order creation for certain materials or for individual activities.
To do this, you add an entry with the special movement indicator in the
table linking the reference movement type and the Warehouse Management
movement. There is a description of this procedure later in the lesson.
2) Sometimes a customer cancels an order at the last minute or wants to postpone the delivery until a much later time than planned. If the goods have already been picked and taken to the goods issue area, they have to be returned to storage. What is the transaction available and what are its functions? a) Transaction LT0G
Explanation: We can use transaction LT0G which makes this easier. You can decide whether you want to return an entire delivery quantity to storage or only the quantity from individual transfer order items. --- Answer 1) c 2) a, c, d |
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