Explain posting change in warehouse management.
Posting change is a process which is carried out when there is no physical change in the material but there are changes related to its stock keeping. For example when you decide to allocate this material for quality but the material is not physically moved from the bin of storage or when you are transferring from consignment stock to own stock. Now there are two ways of carrying this out. Either in
IM separately and then doing it in WM, else doing it simultaneously in
LQ02. Although the material is carried out with a posting change, it is
not physically moved from the Bin. So only the status like from unrestricted
to quality or consignment to own, etc. changes.
Common Posting Change The most common type of posting change involves goods received in the warehouse that are posted for inspection. When goods are received into the warehouse, they are frequently held for inspection before they are released as stock available for issue. User use the IM component to assign the stock category Q (quality inspection) to inspection stock. The stock category is not removed until the goods have been inspected and released from quality inspection. Once the release of material from inspection is authorized, user can release all or part of the material for use. The process is as follows: a. Release the stock from inspection in WM or IM. QM-managed stock can only be released in QM (usually through a usage decision). b. Process the resulting posting change notice in WM by creating a transfer order. When a transfer order is created and confirmed for a posting change notice in WM, the system removes the stock category of Q as follows: The system: a) Posts a negative quantity with a stock category of Q to the warehouse. b) Posts two quantities to the posting change area:
What are the difference between LU01, LU02, LQ01 and LQ02? LQ01 : With this transaction, you can post a MM-IM movement type in WM between 2 storage location in the same warehouse. LQ02 : You can carry out posting change notices (PCN) directly initiating in WM and this will make the change ( corresponding inventory status change) in IM as well. You have to do a few customization steps to be able to do this though. LU01 : Creation of the PCN independently without the being initiated in IM first. Typically the PCN's are a result of IM action. With this you can carry the same in WM. LU02 : You can change the PCN created.
BAPI Which function module to be used for wm posting change? If you want to create Transfer order with reference to posting change notice then use FM - L_TO_CREATE_POSTING_CHANGE. |
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