Multiple Choice Questions
1. The prerequisites to Payroll are: a. Personal Data Infotype
2. What is true with respect to a Payroll Area: a. Payroll
Area is based on the category of employees. For
Example: Management Staff in Payroll Area ‘A’ and Workmen in Payroll Area
3. While generating Payroll Periods, you have assigned a Period Parameter 01 (Monthly) and selected the Payday Rule 03 (Add days to the end of period). The number of days field is assigned the value 3. What will be the Pay Day for this Payroll Period? (The start date is 01.04.2003) a. 03rd April2003
4. The Payroll Control Record performs the following functions in Payroll: a. It performs a Payroll Run
5. The following transaction code is used to access Payroll Control Record: a. PE03
6. The key features in a Payroll Status Infotype (IT-0003), which is maintained by the system automatically- a. Earliest Personnel Retroactive
Accounting Date
7. The significance of using the field ‘Do not Account After’ is: a. To specify a retroactive accounting
limit for the employee
8. A Person was hired on 1st of February 2002. The Earliest Personal Retroactive Accounting Data in his respective Payroll Status Record was 1st of June 2002. Whereas the Earliest Retroactive Accounting Period specified in the respective Payroll Control Record was 1st of May 2002. Find out, from which date onwards the retroactive accounting will happen in the subsequent Payroll Run, say in July. a. 1st of February
9. When you run Payroll in Simulation Mode: a. Payroll periods are counted
10. When you set the Payroll Process to “Released for Correction” status, a. Master data records are released
for maintenance
11. While defining Applicant Groups, they are assigned to different Applicant Classes. What does Applicant Class ‘AP’ stands for? a. Additional Person
12. How will you define in default values for Overall Status for each Applicant Actions: (Single Answer) a. Define in IMG an Overall Status
for each Applicant Action
--- Multiple Choice Answers 1) b, d, e 2) b, c, d 3) c 4) b, c, d, e 5) b 6) All 7) b 8) c 9) b, c, d 10) a, c 11) c 12) a |
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